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 D.A. MacDonald

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Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart


The Crawfords' Group


Scottish Woodlands


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S and S Services



Mid-Argyll Agricultural Society 





  1. Competition is restricted to members only. Membership is open to all.

  2. All Stock and other exhibits (excluding dogs) at the Society’s show must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor and, in the case of stock, must have been in his or her possession and the Society’s area (Scotland) for at least 3 months prior to the date of the show. Exhibits in Confined Classes must have been in the Mid Argyll area for at least 3 months prior to the show and exhibitors must have a principal place of residence within the Mid Argyll area. Boundaries: Braevallich Bridge, Eredine - Trighuaine Burn, Arduaine – Tighnaphate, Dalmally Rd – Drishaig Burn – Harbour Burn, Tarbert (see Map on website).
  3. Joint Ownership must be declared.
  4. Members having had any contagious and/or notifiable disease among their stock at any time within 3 months previous to the show shall not be allowed to compete. Any member contravening this rule shall pay to the Society a penalty of £500.
  5. The ages of stock to be calculated from January 1 to the year of produce, except suckled calves.
  6. One-year-old cattle and calves must show no Broad Teeth. Two-year-old cattle must show 2 Broad Teeth only. Exhibitors must show animals teeth when asked by the Judge or Steward. Bulls to be led & securely haltered.
  7. All Chasers or Riggs to be disqualified.
  8. All animals shown for Special prizes and Championships must have been shown in previous classes (Open or Confined).
  9. Stewards are empowered to ask unauthorised persons to leave rings when judging is in progress and if competing failure to do so may result in disqualification.
  10. Except in championships & parades no animal may enter judging ring wearing a rosette.

  11. No person may deliberately enter and show an animal under a judge who is known to have bred, sold or produced the animal.

  12. All Exhibits must be kept in their respective stances, otherwise they will be disqualified and any prize will be withheld.
  13. No stock will be admitted to the Show Ground on the day preceding the Show and no stock will be admitted to the Show Ground after 9.30 am on Show Day.
  14. The General Committee on the day of the Show will have the entire management of everything in connection with the Show. The Committee shall have the power to settle all disputes and dispose of any protests, and the awards of the judges confirmed by the Committee shall be final and no appeal competent. All protests with a deposit of £5 must be lodged in writing, with the Secretary on the day of the show.
  15. The violation by an exhibiter of any of the regulations will involve the forfeiture of the premiums awarded in any Class in which he violates the rules.
  16. The judges will be instructed to withhold any prizes if they are of the opinion that there is not sufficient merit in any of the stock exhibited for such a prize to justify the award. Should the question of disqualifying a whole class arise, the judge shall consult the General Committee, and their joint decision shall be final.
  17. Where there are insufficient entries in a class the Steward may amalgamate classes.

  18. Numbers of stock must be worn or displayed during the show.

  19. The Society will not be liable in any claim for loss or damage arising from accident or otherwise.
  20. Female Blackface Sheep in the confined sections must be bred by the exhibiter.
  21. Admission fee must be paid by all competitors.
  22. Annual Subscription must be paid by all competitors.
  23. Mid Argyll Show will not be insisting on Blue Tongue Vaccination.
  24. In the event of there being only 1 competitor in any Class, only First Prize money will be handed out.